Friday, June 12, 2009

Getting a new job

A friend wrote a long note the other day. I should tell you that this person used to be a close friend 10 years ago but we kind of fell out of touch as that can happen. Here's what he wrote:

I was laid off from my company in November of 2008. For over 180 days I've been job searching, job hunting, calling, emailing, job boarding, and networking. I've rewritten my resume 12 different ways, designed a half dozen cover letters, dealt with dozens of recruiters and head hunters. I've been through out placement counseling and I'm just starting to see some possibilities of full time employment.

To say it's "tough" out there is an understatement.

On top of everything I've been re-inventing myself.

I spent 27 years in traditional media sales. Primarily in the radio business. I've sold and managed both locally and nationally. I've overseen budgets of 20 million to 350 million dollars and have had as many as 20 people reporting to me. Big whup!

The radio business has been shrinking as more and more marketers put their marketing dollars to work on line. Search, banner placement, video, Mobil and social media marketing are all where the budgets are growing. Traditional media like TV, Radio, Newspaper and even Outdoor are showing double digits decline as the the two pronged punch of the economy and the Internet explosion (round 2) has been changing the way marketers have been spending their money.

So...I decided at age 50 to re-invent myself. A scary proposition at this age and at this time. But... as the saying goes "If not me, then whom. If not now, then when". I started by subscribing to multiple blogs and web sites in the interactive community. I signed up for a digital class with Leslie Laredo of the Laredo Group which I highly recommend for anyone interested in learning about the nuts and bolts of buying and selling in the interactive space. She can be reached through

Armed with all my new knowledge I set out for interviews in SEM (search engine marketing), Ad Networks, Ad Exchanges, Social Media Marketing companies and generally anything that I thought I'd qualify for through my sales background in Interactive Media Sales.

Sadly while I prepared myself well, could walk and talk the talk I was faced with the classic objection "I'm sorry but you don't have experience in this space". I have a half dozen ways to deal with that but in an era where layoffs within the Interactive/Digital space are high (not as high as the general market but still high), I have not been able to land in the space I'd like.

So...Here's my feeling at this point. I've got to get back to work full time so I'm inclined to go back to what I know even though it may not have long term benefits. In the meantime, I will continue my education and keep my networking and I know at some point I will get into the space that I see has long term potential.

It's tough but I'm going to persevere.

I loved his note and I immediately replied back to "hang in there" and "stay confident". What I really meant to say is WOW! How courageous you are for doing that. It's hard, especially on the back half of your career to re-invent yourself. Nothing is more daunting than going into something new. That said, I believe in my friend and I know he will succeed.

If this has any bearing on you I say the same thing. Keep learning. Keep growing. Keep asking questions and keep focused. It will pay off.

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